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The screenshots below illustrate just how easy goTransfer is to setup and use for end users and for the administrator.

Adding a Server
Any number of goTransfer servers can be added to the goTransfer desktop Console.

Servers can belong to your own company or to customers and suppliers where you have been granted access.

Console can login automatically to all servers when it’s launched if required.

User can manually add the server details shown in the image after the Console has been installed or they can click on a link in the email received from the administrator, which automatically installs and adds the server.

Thats it!!
You are now ready to start sending and receiving files.

Sending Files
Simply drag and drop folders or files onto the application from Windows File Explorer to build up the list of files to send. You can select any number of files or folders and continue until complete. No need to zip files before sending. The application will do this for you automatically.

Once you have completed your file selection, you can add contacts to the recipients list. Once you have transferred your files all recipients will be emailed by the system that files are waiting to be downloaded in their “Downloads” module.

Prior to uploading files you can write a note and add password protection as an extra layer of security.
Receiving Files
Files will appear in your “downloads list” when you press refresh (where you are a named recipient) or will automatically download and appear in your list, depending on your selected options.

You may also add a file into your “downloads” list via a pin received from the sender.

If the file has not been downloaded automatically, simply click on “Download File” to download and unzip the file into your preferred downloads folder.

Once downloaded simply double click or press “Open File” to view the field at any time.

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